February 17, 2010

-Valentines Day-

For some, this day of the year is happy. You spend it with you loved one. Others are alone and hate the holiday. Or you are just simply alone and bored to tears. Or maybe you go out and have sex, many different scenarios. More me I don't particularly hate Valentines Day, but I am not a big fan of it. I don't really have anything to do that day, and I become quite envious of couples. I found this poem online about some poor guy who met this girl right after Valentines day, here I will type the poem. It tells the story.

I gave her
my thousandth crane
telling her
was my wish

I planted my
upon her cheek
and apologized
for being
and cliche

Only an hour
our first date
She cut it off.

What do I wish for now...

GAH. I am making cranes right now but I am not going to wish on love, I am going to wish on more friends or something. That's sad though... Oh well.
That is the depressing Valentines day poem.
Anyways I actually have school tomorrow so I have to go do my Geometry homework. Sadness.

Goodbye everyone~
