January 30, 2010

Well, if anyone is here...

I was going to post my first short story, but.. the paste button won't work and I guess there is too much because it won't transfer... 'URL too big'.
Stupid capacity. Oh well~
I guess I will just have to type it all out, how inconvenient. Anyways, the next story I am writing is in the point of view of a homicidal psychopath, and maybe I will put up my short story about this kid who has multiple personality disorder. Later to come: I will put up a poem about where I came from but I have to go take it from my creative writing teacher, it is in her possession.
Well hopefully I will post at least once a week. A summary of my feelings, and maybe a piece of poetry.

Random fact of the day: I love my dog, I have this heater thing right? She sits RIGHT in front of it and takes all the heat. She looks like roadkill. She's a cute little fat chihuahua who is more like a cat just FYI.

My favorite quote: "Life's a bitch, then you die. And for men, life's a bitch then you marry one."

OH life.