January 31, 2010

20 random facts about me

I don't know how to make myself seem like I actually have a personality on here then I thought... Hey why don't I post some facts!~
So now I will share with you some facts.

1. I love chocolate cheesecake with a burning fiery passion. It's the best kind of cake. I had some for breakfast. <:
2. I don't think I can comprehend love
3. My nose is all stuffy
4. I think it should only be cold if it snows and should stay that way till school is off.
5. I laugh at dead baby jokes. I'M SORRY!
6. I'm mad at my computer because it won't play my Sims 2 right now. It's being punished by having to display my manga pages.
7. I want to become a photographer... it seems like a good way to pass time.
8. My dog is a fat, white, female chihuahua who doesn't really bark and thinks she is the shiz.
9. I like anime and manga, yes I am a dork.
10. I never had a real friend till sixth grade, then I moved.
11. I'm not good at being social....
12. I think I'm an introvert considering I like to be alone more than go out
13. It's really cold in my house and I hate it D:
14. I really want to know what it is like being a psychopath
15. I want to become a singer, but I know I won't become famous so I'm going to settle with chorus director, which isn't too bad right?
16. Macaroni and Cheese is my crack
17. Ramen is my secondary crack!
18. I'm curious about who is actually reading this!
19. I am a freshman in high school and you know what.. I am loving every min-- I just had to get up and help my dog, she recently tore her acl and she tripped or something... She has already had her surgery but the muscle is still very tender as you can imagine.
20. I don't like drama, it's like a disease.
21. I don't like political shiz, it makes me want to sleep and snore. That's why I have a sort of bad grade in my government class.
22. I have an 84%
23. Anything below an 86% in my book is bad. 85 is close to 84 and 84 is next to 83 which is close to 82 which is a C.
24. I hate rap, I think it is the worst genre.
25. Fiction is the best genre in my book.
26. Amy Lee is my idol. I strive for her vocal cords.
27. I went over 20...
28. I like playing pandemic II, its a game where you can kill everyone with a virus.
29. I think I should stop because I'm going over 20
30. I'm stopping on 30 because it's an even number!

PS: The picture above was taken by my friend's sister JAMI. She is a photographer and a great singer. Props to her epik skills. :3


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sims 2 is also on the console games, so it would kind of make it easier on your pc. I've got an old laptop so i don't do that much multitasking else it'll freeze. btw interesting facts i read up to about 12 sorry ;x

LazyPoet said...

Alas, I do not have a console, the only thing I have is a Super Nintendo, and it's broken at the moment... And thank you! Your comment made my day!~
I didn't know I would get a comment in such a short span of time.