April 15, 2010

>.< Depressing poem

The small child crawled out the open window
and scampered into the field where he would look for the one flower
that one special flower
the one with goopy purple polka dots
and tiny tickle me pink splattered splots.
The syringe dropped from the fathers meaty fingers
after injecting the child
and shattered like every other one living under the mattress.
He walked drunkenly into his den where he would down bottles of beer.
The child hopped down from his blanket rope
and began to scope the yard for that delicate dazzling flower.
His sight started to turn sideways and he hobbled into the field.
The small boy’s stomach grumbled and a lump formed in his throat.
The boy’s eyes were surrounded by yellow suns and everything was a rainbow.
None of the flowers had the special dots and he continued to wobble around
he giggled unconsciously and screamed at random times, happy. He felt like a god.
The father caressed the trigger on the gun like he had done for many nights.
The mossy green torn up blades of marijuana was spread on his mahogany desk.
His eyes bulged from their sockets and he watched his son stumble around in the field
high on acid sugar cubes and ‘liquid hero’s’.
He wanted his son feeling comfortable to take the drugs
and told him that if he did, he would contain the powers of a god and be like superman.
And indeed the child’s rush of adrenaline combined with the heroin and
acid made him feel pumped and… powerful
A placebo.
And just like every night he would reach for his gun, and aim the barrel
at the childs chest.
And for some reason.... he just couldn't pull the trigger.
His sane part of him telling him, it's not right.
But he longs to puncture the small, beating organ.
And tonight... he will prevail.

The childs cheeks tickled from the tall grass and then...
he saw it.
The flower.

He excitedly sprinted toward it and ripped it from the ground.
The dots swirled on theflower and he let the petals brush his rosy cheeks.
He then looked up to the window for his father, had finally found his one and only special flower!