February 6, 2010


Ok, I said I would post some of the photos I have taken, and after going through them I noticed they were all... suckish. And these were the only ones that made the cut. The last couple were taken off my phone and I am surprised how well they turned out. The rest were taken by my sisters camera. Enjoy!~

My attempt at taking a pretty picture of piano keys~

Heart Pot <3

Umm I'm not sure why I took a picture of these...


My shadow next to a manhole. Rofl.

The snow was too pretty and perfect, so I stomped on it.

Pretty bird's nest!

This is the bush outside my house. Taken on my sisters cam.

Interesting perspective on the bus, taken on my phone, surprisingly decent quality!
Photo from my third floor creative writing class, took on my phone.

What I like about this one, is that a snow cloud rose up as I took it. I don't know
I just like it for some reason. :)

Anyways, I hope you all liked at least one of them!~
